Privacy Policy

What info we collect



What about the Browser Extensions?

They don’t collect anything either.

They do see what pages you visit, but they don’t transmit that info anywhere. The only time the record or transmit any information is when you add a bookmark. When that happens the extensions send the information to /your Backup Brain install. We don’t get a copy.

What we do with it


Who we share it with


Explicit Details

To be absolutely clear:

  • We don’t know if you installed Backup Brain, or one of the Extensions.
  • We don’t know if you’ve used Backup Brain.
  • We don’t know what sites you’ve visited.
  • We don’t who you are.
  • We don’t know how many times you clicked on anything.
  • We don’t know a great many things.

The Chrome Web Store will probably tell us how many people installed the extension, but we can’t do anything about that. 🤷‍♀️

Fine Print

Web site icons are currently retrieved from Google. Google will know what domain names you’ve bookmarked, but not what pages. This communication is directly between your web browser & Google. We do not see this traffic. Backup Brain does not use Google Analytics & we provide them with no information to connect the request to you. However, if you’re using Chrome Google will always have the ability to see what sites you view and know it’s you.

You can disable this in Settings as of v2.2.0.