


  • Bookmarks that are flagged to be read, or are unarchived can now be filtered with tags


  • List page heading now provides more information about what you’re looking at. For example, instead of “Bookmarks tagged with happy, cake” you might see “Unread Bookmarks tagged with: happy, cake”
  • List page heading is no longer a link. Please open a ticket if you care. It mostly just complicated the view for little benefit.


  • If a server indicated that we could download a file when we request the headers, but then refused to let us when we requested the actual file, the Archive Url Job would record an incorrect error code
  • Asking if a server would allow download would not include the status code even if you asked for it.


This big news in this release is the dramatic improvement to tags: combining them, renaming them, merging them, and more. There’s new Tags Documentation with all the details.

I don’t expect any significant changes to tags for a while.


  • Ability to Support Backup Brain’s Development

Want to help contribute to the continued development of Backup Brain? Head on over to the sparkly new Ko-Fi page.

Supporting this work on Ko-fi is also how you can get email notifications of new releases, if that’s something you want.

  • Added a Learn More Link

Viewers who are not logged in will see a link in the top of the right side navigation that encourages them to “Learn More” about Backup Brain.

This goes away if you’re logged in because logged in people are awesome and already know how cool Backup Brain is. πŸ«ΆπŸ’•

  • Improved Tags Support This represents a lot of new functionality. For full details see the new Tags Documentation.

    • Tags can be combined to show only bookmarks with all the specified tags.
    • Tags can now be combined with searches.
    • You can now rename tags
    • Dynamic Tag Cloud Shows only the tags that appear in the list of Bookmarks you’re currently viewing.
  • Settings

    • new hidden setting to track the schema_version
    • new visible setting to toggle the use of “favicons”
  • Favicons can now be disabled See the v2.2.0 announcement post for more details.

  • Data Migrations There’s a new idempotent data migration script at


    They’re automated too. Migration scripts run automatically, if needed, when you run ./serve or Docker runs ./docker/serve

  • Improved Accessibility for low vision users


  • Bookmark Creation Form I’ve made it a little wider to give you more space to type, and I’ve added note that Markdown was supported in descriptions with link to GitHub’s Markdown documentation.

  • Updated Dependencies Rails and mongodb_meilisearch were both updated, and the things they depend on were too.


  • HTML Entity Decoding Tags with some special characters like “D&D” are saved with HTML encoding, so d&d becomes d&d in the database, but this wasn’t being decoded when displaying the tags. Now it is.
  • Multiple Pagination bugs
    • Pagination links for views with tags specified now include the tag(s) πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
    • Pagination links when viewing Unarchived pages just gave you pages of all bookmarks instead of just unarchived ones.
    • Oversized Images in Archives
  • Images loaded when viewing an archive could overflow into the space of the right sidebar. They are now resized to fit using CSS.
  • Missing Translations
    • There was a missing translation used by pagination.

Work Summary

v2.2.0 work

Hours spent on this release: 37.9 Income Received during this release’s work: $0.00 USD Average hourly wage for this release: $0.00 USD

Total work

Total hours worked on Backup Brain: 215.2 Income Received: $0.00 USD Total average hourly wage: $0.00 USD

Suggested Improvements

Support Backup Brain’s development on Ko-fi



  • consolidated colors used to have a consistent 6 color color palette


  • corrected syntax error in



  • docker suport
  • script to ease initial setup
  • added automated backups for docker users


  • changed bookmarklet description & text in footer
  • silenced a “whiny” rails log warning
  • upgraded version of mongodb\_meilisearch
  • modified export & import scripts to run inside or outside of docker


  • handling of Meilisearch API Key Errors



  • If the system failed in an attempt to archive a page, it will now show an error code indicating why the attempt failed.


  • When multiple archives were present for the same bookmark, the text displayed, and passed to the search engine, were from the oldest, not newest archive.
  • Corrected test for which Archived / Archiving icon and link to show in the bookmark list.
  • Pages with invalid text encoding are now archived gracefully instead of causing the archive to fail. Any invalidly encoded characters are now removed.



  • Web based bookmark importer
  • Support for importing HTML bookmarks
  • A Bookmarklet See the Helpers documentation for more details.


  • tags imported from Pinboard will now be downcased
  • The success page used by the bookmark & extensions will now close itself. This helps when using the Bookmarklet.


  • Deleting a bookmark no longer makes you loose your place in the list